Blog Articles

The white balance
Do you know what the white balance is? But you should, because after the three exposure values ​​( exposure time , aperture , ISO ), white balance is the most important in photography. The other values ​​deal with the brightness of the picture, this deals with the color.Hide content 1 The white balance in digital cameras2 Shoot RAW for better white balance3
Full Frame vs. APS-C vs. Micro Four Thirds Camera Sensors
What’s the difference between full-frame vs APS-C vs Micro Four Thirds sensors? And how do these sensor distinctions affect your images?Thinking about video camera sensors can get pretty confusing. That’s why I break all of it down for you in this article– and I provide plenty of examples to show
Shooting Action Shots in Low Light Conditions
I enjoy getting out to sporting events both indoors and outdoors with my digital electronic camera. Just recently I went to view tennis and took a couple of hundred shots over the day.Recently I have been getting a few demands to please help with quick action shots inside your home.
Differences between Snappers and Photographers
On the one hand, this article is not intended to be a doctrine set in stone. On the other hand, it should be more about the technical details in photography that the snappers may not even know about, but which are valuable techniques for the careful photographer when it comes to the photographic implementation of an
Do you know what is inside Your DSLR
You do not require to know anything about internal combustion to run a car, and you truly don’t need to comprehend digital innovation to use a point-and-shoot digital cam, either. Both gadgets are so automated nowadays that there’s not a lot for the driver/shooter to do besides the point the